Friday, July 31, 2009

The Single Woman's Rant #27

YES: I'm single
YES: I'm fine
YES: I'm successful
YES: I'm thirty years old and
NO: I'm NOT interested in you!

Don't you love it when you're
Standing in a line, wasting time
Waiting on your number to be called
And some brother gets the gall
To strike up a conversation and
You want to leave in desperation
When he makes some comment like
"Your husband must be waiting for you outside"
"A woman as fine as you shouldn't be alone"
"Are you married?"
"Your boyfriend is a lucky man"
To which you are forced to reply
With a smile no less - "That's kind but I'm single"
Reaction: Jaws drop, eyebrows raise, minds race
And a flood of questions probing into this social disgrace
Guess what, players the only thing wrong with me is you
You stand there amazed that this is a choice not a phase
I've got a nice life, not interested in being a wife
I don't subscribe to traditions under any conditions
As you live for you, I too live for me
This isn't a problem, oh why can't you see
Stop asking me questions don't seem so surprised
There are many like me just open your eyes
Despite what you think I am very fulfilled
Truth be told I mean you no ill-will
But in dates I've no interest, in relationships much less
Been there and done that most suitors failed the test
My standards are quite high, this much is true
But my heart is quite fragile and protect it I must do
So please don't feel bad or have any sense of pity
I'm a hot single, gal living in the big city
My days are long and my nights are quite fun
I'm gonna live this way til my days are all done

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