Friday, July 17, 2009

30 Poems in 30 Days #13

the artist sat in darkness
when a slab of marble appeared
three days she sat
entranced by the block
stone’s shadow grew long
covering her body
she opened her eyes again
to face the white light
brilliantly reflected off the marble
transfixed by the light
her destiny began to reveal itself
and she began to create
divine hands would select and gather tools
she would work feverishly
chiseling and carving the soft stone
he spoke to her in a dream
blessed her visions
so that she might carve him
into classical perfection
two-years time
invested in godly work
her skin from the sun’s reign
a stark contrast
to his illustrious surface
she would work until her trembling hands
could no longer clasp the tools under moonlight
and then sleep by his feet
every morning she awoke prayed to him
haunted by her dreams
blood from her hands
sweat from her brow
love from her heart
would seep into his pores
lightly tainting his skin
intimately connecting the two
she looked upon her masterpiece
with loving eyes
her face stained with tears
she created him in the likeness
of a young David
full of virtue and might
faintly knowing that
he would conquer and destroy her

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