Friday, July 10, 2009

30 Poems in 30 Days #9

run child
run after love

she tried to capture love
like a lightening bug in a glass jar
so that she might hold onto love’s light

she chased after love
like a butterfly fluttering just outside her reach
so that she might admire love’s brilliant hues

she listened for love
like the wind whispers to a tree
so that she might hear love’s message

run child run
run after love

thinking she had found love
she squeezed it tight with a boa’s might
until love lost its last breath

weeping over lost love
her lyrical lament poured from her wilting body
though she had been warned of love she didn’t listen

thinking she could control love
she found herself running, chasing, listening, looking
for what was never meant to be

run, run after love child

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