Tuesday, July 28, 2009

30 Poems in 30 Days #21

Into me
Your rippling waves
Knock me down
As your salt water love stings
My eyes, nose and throat
I try to stand and you
Crash... Into me
Your undercurrent
Pulls me down, pulls me in
I lose control of my body
I'm breathless as you
Crassshhh... into me
My lungs begin to burn
As I try to escape your love
I reach for the ocean's surface
You pull me in again
My body is fighting, fighting
I'm drowning, drowning
I catch a glimpse of the sun's sparkle
You crash into me
My body is pulled to the shore
I reject you as my body begins to heave
expelling your love
from my stomach and lungs
You burn me from the inside
As I cough up your love
onto the damp sand you
into me
leaving me vulnerable and weak
you crash
into me

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