Monday, July 13, 2009

30 Poems in 30 Days #11

when all became too much
a decision had been made
the jar sat comfortable
upon the nightstand
it often stared at the lifeless body
which had seldom moved from the bed
months had passed
since the front door had been used
the cupboards and refrigerator
had been emptied save a few condiments
layers of dust covered the furniture
who had long since forgotten the sun
leaves of once emerald plants
now wilted and brown
bits of glass coated the floor
where the television had met its demise
the phone had ceased to ring
the mailbox was inundated
with colored envelopes
the pen had grown too heavy for the hand
eyelids had grown too heavy for the face
the heart began to race and a faint smile
appeared on the face; as heavy lids
looked upon the jar just light enough for the hand
the ceremony would soon begin
as tiny white pills where counted in the palm
this deadly rite would continue
until the dancing heart slowed to a stop

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