Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Fairytale - 30 Poems in 30 Days #8

There was a lady
rich in beauty, grace, kindness & wisdom
all who met her grew to love her dearly
The Lady kept a quiet life
often her interactions were
to help those in need
People often wondered about her solitude
For one as beautiful and kind as she
to be alone seemed a gloomy fate
No one knew of the Lady's curse -
that anyone whom she dared to love
would then be tainted and himself cursed -
One sunny day a young prince arrived
Having heard tales of her beauty and wisdom
He pursued the Lady with great vigor
The Lady having an immense want of love
and unable to resist the beauty of his eyes
his hypnotic voice or the strength of his will
Thinking only of the love she began to feel
thinking that she could protect him; she
locked the secret of her curse in a closet
She had not felt love
before he gently touched her face
before he spoke of her beauty and her grace
before he filled her heart with his embrace
Despite the curse she dared to love him in return
She wrapped her heart around his body
She gave to him every part of her
'Til one cursed morning she awoke to find
her sweet young prince weeping as he stood inside
the closet where she'd locked away the curse
As she looked upon him her heart stopped beating
and slowing began to disintegrate; Far at that moment
she knew the curse had revealed itself to him
She turned to runaway unable to accept what she had done
he grabbed and pulled her back to him he eyes piercing hers
searching for answers that she could not provide

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