Thursday, July 30, 2009

30 Poems in 30 Days #23

the day of my death
was a day like any other
the sun shone brightly in the sky
I was laden with housework
every thought was of my lover
it would be our last night together
my heart fluttered in anticipation
the day progressed in normalcy
my smile would greet him at the door
our voices would fill the evening
with stories and laughter
as I prepared a feast for him
until that fateful moment
when he would excuse himself
to our once lovers' sanctuary
there he would discover a secret
the confrontation would cause
a gust of air to escape my lungs
the sound to escape my throat
my heart ceased to beat
as I collapsed I recognized
death succumbing my body
though my physical body
would continue to roam
the world shattered around me
everything I had created
in that moment I had extinguished
what life had existed within me

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