Tuesday, April 27, 2010


I stood in the heavy pouring rain
as your rejection pierced my skin
passing sirens could not break
the silence; yet they allotted for
a shade of clarity of something
I had been painfully unaware of
my disintegrating body unflinching
I could explode, before your eyes
so that you might bear witness
to the truest extent of my love
everything has been wrapped up
in you
I went with no expectations
Only the knowledge that I
needed to reveal my true self to you
there I stood, at your doorway
words prepared, you stood there
my heart leaped and fluttered
you stood there
lips parted ready to release a wave
of emotion, you stood there
you stood there and watched me die
I... I... thought that you where false
Hearing you say that you would not
acknowledge or accept my love
there I was, ready to confess it anyway

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