Monday, April 26, 2010

The Evolution of Hate

“That’s wild gay” …

Whatchu mean Miss?

I think that’s gay and you can’t tell me how to think

You see I’m a man

and even though I’m only 15 years old

I know I’m a man; my father raised me right

And its cool that I only see him every couple of months

Because when I do see him he always teaches me what’s right

Like how to be a man

Like how to kick someone’s ass if they fuck with me

Like how gay goes against my religion

And even though I haven’t been to church

Since Tio Chuchi died and I ain’t never read the bible

Cause… the truth is reading is a waste of my time

And I know its true because it’s wrong you see

And you wrong tryna tell me what to think

I ain’t got no problems with no faggots

As long as they don’t act all gay around me

And try to touch me cause you know they do that

Then we cool you know, so stop telling me

That I’m speaking hate; I don’t hate nobody

Unless they try to press me then we gon’ have a problem

So you see… I ain’t got no problems I need you to help me with

Well… maybe there’s one thing you could help me with

But nah what was I sayin’?

Look, I just don’t like any type of gay

Especially, these gay chicks… some of them wanna be men

And what they don’t see es que aqui aye hombre

And they should leave that shit at home; cause truth be told

I could set her straight real fast

And you keep telling me there’s a lesson I need to learn

But I already know everything I need to know

See I got a plan – once I’m done with this high school shit

I’m gonna get me a job, buy me that whip… and then sit back

As the flows keeps coming and coming… yes

So keep your lessons to yourself Miss

I don’t’ give a shit who Matthew Shepard or Brandon Teena

or Harvey Milk are; and I don’t care much if their dead

Cause my boy Tony is dead too and nobody gives a fuck about him

If they’re gay they probably deserved it fucking around with

Straight men and so what if anyone in this room might be gay

See that’s the problem right there; might be, like they don’t know

Like they confused. They need to realize they chose a life of misery

Cause it’d be all too easy for them to walk a straight line

(sucks teeth) there you go telling me I’m talking hate

Well what kinda hate is this?

The spray painting the word faggot on your locker type of hate

Maybe it’s the snicker behind your back

When you sway your hips in my face type of hate

Nah I know, it’s the school canceled prom cause you wanna

Bring your gay date type of hate

Or it could be that time your father tried to beat the gay out of you

To make you a real man type of hate

It could also be that pull your pants down in a dark alley

And rape the gay out of you type of hate

What about that group of guys that jumped you at the party

It could be that type of hate too

I know, its when I spit on your limp body laying on the street

After I kicked your ass type of hate

A bullet to the head type of hate

The reason hate-crime laws exist type of hate

Yeah yeah yeah… I got you Miss

But its all good though

Because all them gay niggas know betta

Than to fuck with me

1 comment:

  1. another powerful piece. to say "dope" this time would be an understatement. what you captured is a sad reality. the hate that is unaware of its hate.
