Saturday, May 8, 2010

Freewrite Poetry Fun

Fuck you car alarm
Only you have the power
To break my concentration
your incessant beeping
ringing and ticking is
keeping me from my life's work
How sensitive can you be?
That any motion, sound or look
Can trigger that awful noise.
How quickly the ringing travels
the distance up to the fourth floor
See, I came here to write a poem
of length and theme, I wasn't sure
But knew and planned to fulfill it
Before walking out of that door
And, as if in perfect synchronicity
Every time my pen caresses the paper
You clamor for my attention
Well... what is it that you want from me?
I'm all eyes and ears and heart
I'm listening very carefully
So that I do not miss one part
Of the lover's quarrel, you've had
With every passing sound
I sit here waiting woefully
Perhaps, this will be the last round
Of your ringing sirens, alerting and
distracting me from my greatest
Task today. Oh, I beg for you
To take a break - or that your
Battery dies; my pen sits
lonely and untouched
its ink filled with longing cries.
Wait.. what's that?
Oh, bless your heart. You responded
to my pleas and silenced yourself
Long enough for my pen to tease
this page

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


I waited
Waited until the seconds became minutes
Minutes became hours
Hours became days

I waited
Waited until the days became weeks
Weeks became months
Months became years

I waited
Waited until my hair grew passed my shoulders
Until it turned from brown to gray
and watched it fall like a light rain

I waited
Waited until my hunger turned to pain
and that pain turned to anguish
Until the food became a memory

I waited
Waited as my body became emaciated
brown skin clinging to white bone
veins protruding

I waited
Waited until the youthful beat of my heart
slowed to the pace of a snail in a race
until the blood in my veins thickened

I waited
Waited until my throat dried
and became a desert from which my songs
would no longer sing

I waited
Waited to hear your voice again
Waited for those loving words
To make love of my soul again